Map of typical wine-bar and Bacaro
Da Venicewiki, il wiki di Venezia
Even tourists have come to appreciate this type of cuisine, often faster, standing or on Spartan tables, where what counts is the freshness of the ingredients and the traditional method of cooking these dishes, some poor, but that enhance the taste to palate.
Eating in Venice means go for bacari. This is a custom that is lost in the mists of time.
Enlarge the map, click the placeholder and in the comic will appear the name and the link to go to the page of the Osteria or Selected Bacaro.
This page inserted most of the taverns and bacari found in Venice. organized a page with a tour of bacari specifically designed and tested for all those who want to try.
Are you ready for Bacaro Tour?
We can also arrange a boat tour bacaro writing a couple of days prior to