Museums in Venice

Da Venicewiki, il wiki di Venezia

Palazzo Ducale in the Rain
Palazzo Ducale in the Rain - Tony Platt
List of all the Museums in Venice. The historical city offers, as in every city of art, many find everything to cultural research.

Pantry, to those who demonstrate concerned, a wide range of choice to satisfy every request.
The first visit is the Doges' Palace, the museum par excellence in the history of Venice, which provides an idea of ​​the city as it was during the period of Serenissima Republic, for go to other museums that insist in area marciana , the Museo Correr and National Archaeological Museum, or Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, or Clock Tower.
Not far from the Naval History Museum Venice, or Accademia Gallery, Ca 'Rezzonico - Museum of Eighteenth Century Venice or Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo, Palazzo Fortuny, Casa Goldoni, located in patrician residences.
Modern art is present in Ca 'Pesaro - Museum of Modern Art, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Grassi.
In the island of Murano it is obviously the Museum of Glass and Burano the Museum of lace.

Museum Museum's image Address and phone number Tickets
Palazzo Ducale

Doges' Palace

San Marco, 041/2715911 - Formerly the Doge's residence and the seat of Venetian government, the Palace is the very symbol of Venice. A masterpiece of Gothic architecture, the building and its sculptural decorations date from various period from IX to XV sec. For all museums of St. Mark's Square Full 20,00 €,

Riduced 13,00 €, valid for three months only for once, to Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

Museo Correr San Marco, 041/2405211 - This museum hosed in part of the Procuratie Nuoveand in the Napoleonic wing that runs along the top end of St. Mark's Square. Its core collection, left to the city in 1830 by Teodoro Correr, covered various areas of interest. Contains works by Lorenzo Veneziano, Bellini family, Carpaccio, Antonio Canova. For all museums of St. Mark's Square Full 20,00 €,

Riduced 13,00 €, valid for three months only for once, to Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

Museo Archeologico Nazionale
Museo Archeologico
Museo Archeologico - VeniceWiki
San Marco, 041/5225978 For all museums of St. Mark's Square Full 20,00 €,

Riduced 13,00 €, valid for three months only for once, to Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
Biblioteca Marciana - La porta
Biblioteca Marciana - La porta - Biblioteca Marciana
San Marco, 041/2407211 For all museums of St. Mark's Square Full 20,00 €,

Riduced 13,00 €, valid for three months only for once, to Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

Torre dell'Orologio San Marco By appointment only, phone at from Italy 848082000, or from abroad: +39 041 42730892,
Gallerie dell'Accademia Dorsoduro 1050 - 041/5222247 Ingresso unico con Museo di Palazzo Grimani. Full ticket 9 euro, reduced 6 euro. Free admission on the first Sunday of the month.
Museo di Palazzo Grimani Castello 4858 - 041/5200345 Ingresso unico con Gallerie dell'Accademia. Full ticket 9 euro, reduced 6 euro. Free admission on the first Sunday of the month.
Galleria Franchetti alla Ca' d'Oro Cannaregio 3932 - Strada Nova - Call Center 041/5200345 Full ticket € 6,00, reduced € 3,00. Free admission on the first Sunday of the month.
Museo Storico Navale di Venezia Castello 2148 - Riva San Biagio - 041 2424 Full ticket € 5,00, reduced € 3,50
Ca' Pesaro - Museo d'Arte Moderna
Canal grande - Palazzo Ca' Pesaro
Canal grande - Palazzo Ca' Pesaro - VeniceWiki
Santa Croce 2076 - 041/5240662 Full ticket € 5.50, reduced € 3.00
Ca' Rezzonico - Museo del Settecento Veneziano Dorsoduro 3136 - Rio di San Barnaba Ingresso:
Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo Santa Croce 1992 - Salizada San Stae - Tel. 041 721798 Full ticket € 4.00- Reduced € 2.50.
Palazzo Fortuny San Marco 3958 - Tel 041 520 0995 Ingresso:
Casa Goldoni San Polo 2794 - Tel 041 5236353 Ingresso:
Museo del Vetro (Murano) Murano, Fondamenta Giustinian 8 - Tel 041 739586 Full ticket € 8,50 Reduced € 6,00
Museo del merletto Burano, Piazza Galuppi Ingresso:
Fondazione Querini Stampalia Castello 5252 - Campo Santa Maria Formosa Tel. 041 2711411 - Fax 041 2711445 Full ticket 10.00 € - reduced 8.00 €
