Place Names

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A small lexicon of Venetian place names.


  • Abate=Abbot:a court dell 'Abate in San Gregorio is called for the existence of some houses belonging to the abbey of the same name.
  • Abate=Abbot:was once called the pedestal of the many banners that decorated the Venetians "campi".
  • Abazia=Abbey:for the abbey church of Santa Maria della Misericordia, the term is extended to the fondamenta, the porch, il sotoportego, to the field, campo and the adjacent bridge.
  • Accademia=Academy: the "Academy of Nobles", founded in 1619 for the education of young nobles, was at Giudecca Island and has given its name to a street. The Academy of Fine Arts has given its name to the ugly wooden bridge over the Grand Canal, who succeeded seventy years ago in an Austrian iron bridge even uglier.
  • Acqua dolce=Freshwater : Venice, surrounded by salt water, had no way to get water to drink, then came the boats full of fresh water from the mainland to feed the wells of the city. They were standing in a river that they called, in the district of Holy Apostles.
  • Acquavita= Brandy: The Acquavitai, or sellers of brandy, also included the coffee sellers. A bridge and a street took its name from a shop of one of these traders.
  • Water : "workshops waters" was the old name of coffee shop. At San Salvador there is a street and an arcade of the Waters Sotoportego de le Acque.
  • Altana:wooden terrace built over the roofs, used as a meeting place for family especially on summer evenings. The blinds you climbed, led by a kind of straw hat without cap ("solana"), for brighten up hair in the sun.
  • Anatomia= Anatomy : the anatomy theater built in 1761 gave its name to a court and a bridge in San Giacomo dell'Orio.
  • Arzere embankment: A bridge and a river by that name in the Dorsoduro, next to Santa Marta.
  • Aseo : vinegar. They took this name a street and a bridge in San Marcuola, for the existence, in the fifteenth century, a factory that produced it.
  • Avogaria : advocacy. A San Barnaba a bridge, a river, a branch and a street have this name because Zamberti, who lived in this area, had offices in Avogaria de Comun.


  • From Venezia
    l -
    Bacino = Basin : body of water, widening of the channel, should the mooring of vessels, such as the San Marco Basin, or gondolas, as the Orseolo basin, excavated in the second half of the nineteenth century near St. Mark's Square.
  • Balanze : scales. A factory of these tools has given its name to a street in Campo San Luca.
  • Banco Giro : the state bank, established in the seventeenth century by the name of Banco Giro gave its name to a arcade next to Rialto's Bridge.
  • Bande : parapets. The name remains in one of the first bridges that have had this protection near Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
  • Bando : the stone of the notice, which were announced the "calls", the decrees, is a truncated column porphyry Syriac site at the southern corner of the Basilica di San Marco.
  • Barbacani : wooden corbels supporting the projection of the upper floors of the houses from the line of the street. The Barbican Stone, on Calle della Madonna to San Polo, in the picture, established the maximum projection capacity on calle. Engraving inscribed: PER LA IURIDICIOM DE BARBACANI.
  • Barbaria de le tole : in the street with this name perhaps you planed boards (tole) plane the "beards", in Castello not far from Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo.
  • Bareteri : manufacturers of caps, hatters. The name is given to Ponte dei Bareteri and the river in San Salvador.
  • Beccarie : butchers. The public slaughter, allotted in the homes of the rebels Guerini to Rialto, has given its name to a street, in a campo, a bridge and a rio.
  • Bergama : the inn "The Bergama" destined to collect the strangers of Bergamo city gave its name to a street and the bridge adjacent to San Simeon Grande.
  • Bisati eels. In the arcade under that name, the Gesuati, was a company that had contracted the sale.
  • Bissa : snake. Calle della Bissa in Campo San Bartolomeo has this name because it was crooked or perhaps because you overlooked shops selling silk fabric called "fine linen." Before the opening of the arcades, executed in modern times, that cut the path to the Ponte di Sant'Antonio, the path was a series of short streets perpendicular one to the other.
  • Bo : ox. In calle del Bo, a Rialto, there was a workshop apothecary full of golden ox. Before that there existed an inn with the same sign.
  • Bocca di Piazza : is the open space at the eastern entrance of the St. Mark's Square.
  • Boteri : coopers. They gave the name to a street on the San Cassiano and one near the Fondamenta Nuove.
  • Bovolo : snail. The palace Contarini del Bovolo to Campo San Luca and so named for the beautiful spiral staircase in the court.
  • San Giovanni in Bragora
    San Giovanni in Bragora - VeniceWiki
    Bragora : the title of Chiesa di San Giovanni in Bragora derives, perhaps, from the greek "brà agora" (grass + market) square or by rumors dialect "Bragola", market square, or "bragolare", to fish.
  • Bressana : the official representation of the city of Brescia gave rise to the name, at San Zanipolo. Apart from Brescia, Bergamo, Chioggia, Lendinara, Vicenza and Badia Polesine, vassals of the Republic, as well as the Land of Friuli and Feltre, held in Venice an announcement and a dwelling.
  • Buranelli : the inhabitants of Burano. A street bears his name.
  • Burchielle : they were little "burchi" boats or cargo. They gave the name to a river and a foundation to Sant'Andrea della Zirada.


  • Ca  : the house, even in the sense of lineage or family.
  • Ca di Dio: the shore, the bridge and the river of Ca' di Dio remember a hospice founded in the thirteenth century to welcome pilgrims to the Holy Land.
  • Caffettier : coffee makers. The streets with this name recall the existence of coffee shops.
  • Calcina : from the sellers of lime, or "calcinieri", whose warehouses were on the Zattere; derives the name of a bridge and a small square.
  • Calderer : boilermaker. A calle Calderer is located in San Marcilian or Chiesa di San Marziale.
  • Calegheri : shoemakers. The branch of Calegheri in Campo San Toma takes its name from the beautiful "school" of this art that overlooked the field, while the Germans shoemakers were established near to San Samuele.
  • Callesella or Calletta : small street.
  • Campanati : bell-founders. A foundry in the district of Castello (or a family Campanati?) Has given its name to the branch of the same name.
  • Campazzo : Campaccio. In place names are a Campazzo San Sebastian and a Campazzo Tolentini.
  • Campiello : small field. A Venice small field, or square.
  • Campo :Large space usually near a church, where children played.
  • Canalazzo : popular term to indicate the Grand Canal.
  • Channels : in the city divided the islands on which it stands Venice, constituting a system of communication by water. There are about a hundred; the little ones are called "streams," someone "riello" someone "rio menuo" (minute). In the lagoon, channels are the waterways, properly excavated between shallow and marked by "bricole" (wooden poles).
  • Cannaregio : one of the six Sestieri, district, of Venice.
  • Carbon : Coal, the boats laden with coal is moored for wholesale along the Grand Canal to San Luca, and here they gave the name to the shore, to the street, to the branch, the arcade and the ferry.
  • Cariole : wheelbarrows. A San Zulian an arcade and a court of this name, a carpenter who built them.
  • Carità : the field of Charity takes its name from the church and from the Great School of St. Mary of Charity, buildings now occupied by 'Academy and its art galleries.
  • Carrozze - Coach It seems incredible, but until the eighteenth century carriages were manufactured in Venice to the mainland. A coachbuilder in 1661 gave its name to a street in San Samuele.
  • Casaria : the market of dairy products of milk in Rialto (the term comes from the Latin caseus, cheese and the Venetian casarol, resulting).
  • Casin dei Spiriti Little House of Spirits: building on the lagoon to the Sacca della Misericordia, in the garden of the Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo, or so-called eco or the loneliness of the place.
  • Cason Big House: prison. Each district had its own for debtors and guilty of minor crimes. A small square of Cason is in Santi Apostoli.
  • Casselleria : the calle manufacturers of cash in Santa Maria Formosa where "casselleri" built them for the shipment of commodity and kits for brides.
  • Castello: one of the six Sestieri, district, of Venice.
  • Cavallo - Horse : in the court of the Horse, the Madonna dell'Orto, was the workshop in which it was cast in bronze equestrian statue of Colleoni. The bridge and the calle del Cavallo, in San Zanipolo, named after the monument.
  • Celestia : field and river next to the place where the church of Santa Maria della Celestia ("heavenly") now destroyed.
  • Cenere - Ash : the ash deposits from Istria and Slavonia, used to hunger and washing soaps, have given its name to a street.
  • Cerchieri : builders of rings for the barrels. A San Barnaba have this name a branch and a street.
  • Cereri : makers of candles. The term is in the name of a foundation to Santa Maria Maggiore.
  • Chiovere : The Chiovere were tracts of land where, after dyeing, wiping cloths; more in old pastures closed clauderiae, hence the term Venetian. A small square of Chiovere is near San Rocco.
  • Colonne - Pillars : the two granite columns at the end of the Piazzetta, to the Molo, the first rose, the other bigia, bearing at the top the Lion of St. Mark and the statue of San Todaro (Teodoro), first patron of the city come from the East. Amid the death sentences were performed, with the executed shot towards the Clock Tower, so that there is a Venetian saying that reads: Stà tento che te fasso vedar mi che ora che xe. Be careful otherwise I'll show you what time it is.
  • Corazzeri - Armor: the streets (calle, branch, arcade) of manufacturers of armor, including Sant 'Antonin and San Martino of Castello.
  • Cordaria : strings factory. The name is encountered in Rialto to the many shops located there hemp.
  • Corli : spinning wheels (and by extension people wandering and read). A calle in San Toma took this name or to the presence of workshops of these artisans, or maybe even for some sgualdrinelle domiciled there.
  • Corte - Court : little square closed between houses, with a single input.
  • Create : clay. The Holy Spirit and Saint Job, in the streets of the same name were deposits of clay for making bricks.
  • Crosera : the place where they start more roads. crossroads.
  • Cuoridoro : leather craftsmen gold, which they used to cover walls, chairs, books. An arcade and a court in San Fantin have this designation.


  • Dai : dice. The game and the sale of dice took place mainly in St. Mark, where an underpass, a bridge, a river and the fondamenta have taken their name. According to a more romantic interpretation the name comes from the cry of the people behind some of the conspirators of Bajamonte Tiepolo, fleeing from St. Mark's Square after the attempted revolt of l0 June 1310.
  • Diamanter : Diamond worker. The "diamanteri tough" worked diamonds and "diamanteri by tender" other precious stones and colored gemstones. The name is given to a court in Santa Fosca.
  • Diavolo - Devil : a Santa Maria Mater Domini a porch and a court of this name, according to the scholar Giuseppe Tassini, perhaps for the almost diabolical darkness of the place.
  • Doaneta : a little frontier. The Doaneta dell'Ogio, where he delivered and measured the oil to be sold in the city, has given its name to a branch at the Frari.
  • Donna Onesta - Honest woman : a San Pantalon bear this name a street, a bridge and foundations. According to an anecdote traditional two gentlemen were discussing this bridge honesty of women and one of them pointed to the paradox companion, as the only honest woman, the little female head on the wall of the neighboring house. The name could also result from a married woman who would be killed for being raped, or even by a prostitute called "honest woman" because discreet in the profession.
  • Dorsoduro: one of the six Sestieri, district, of Venice.
  • Dose : doge. In a palace in Santa Marina was born on Doge Nicolo Marcello and that fact gave the name to the street, to a court and the foundations. The name, repeated elsewhere, reminiscent of other houses or buildings, or even shops dedicated to the Doge.
  • Due Aprile - Two in April : near Campo San Bartolomio a stretch of Haberdashers with this name recalls the date of 2 April 1849, when the Venetian Assembly decreed the resistance at any cost to the Austrians.


  • Erbaria : the market to Rialto fruit and vegetables, from the neighboring islands and the mainland.


  • Fabbri - Blacksmiths : a San Moise the Calle dei Fabbri got its name from the school of these artisans.
  • Fava Who says that the Calle della Fava to San Lio take that name for a miraculous, those who believe in an old bakery, famous for the beans sweet day dead. In the field beside there is the church of Our Lady of Consolation or Fava.
  • Felzi : felze is the mobile substation that you put in the winter to protect the place in the main gondola. The fondamenta of Felzi, the builders of felzi operating there, is located in San Zanipolo.
  • Ferali : headlights. The bridge and the stream of Ferali is San Zulian.
  • Fiubera : buckle. The shops where you could buy these accessories have given its name to a street and a whole the consulate. It was a mark of distinction that I try the adults were using gold, silver young, but a decree of the Senate he restrained use because they had become so large as to rub the ground.
  • < flickr>5790327460|right</flickr> Fondaco : Buildings owned by the Serenissima data to foreign merchants because they had a stable home and especially controllable. (Fondaco of the Turks, Fondaco of the German, Fondaco of the Persians). The term is found in the names of various parts of the city.
  • Formagier : cheesemaker. This name a salizzada in San Canciano.
  • Formosa : The term appears in the title of Santa Maria Formosa, founded, according to tradition, in the seventh century by St. Albert the Great, bishop of Oderzo, where the Madonna had appeared in looks beautiful (in Latin, formosa) matron.
  • Forner : man who controls the oven. The term often returns in place names and indicates the presence in the site of ovens for food, but not bread.
  • Forni - Ovens : the calle dei Forni in San Giovanni in Bragora takes its name from the fifteenth Ovens military of the Republic existing there where they were producing the cookie-bread for the navy.
  • Frari - Friars : in the Frari is the large Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, or of the Franciscan Friars Minor, for which it was founded.
  • Frezzeria : arrow factory. The Frezzeria is a bustling commercial street in St. Mark.
  • Frutarol : greengrocer. There are several streets of Frutarol; one by San Fantin.
  • Furlane : Friuli women. Campo and calle of Furlane in the district of Castello derive perhaps also by the name "furlana", the dance that you used to dance.
  • Fuseri : makers merged. The term appears in the names of a branch, a bridge, a river and a street on the San Luca.


  • Gatte - Cats : corruption as "legati" or papal nuncios. Before moving to the Nunciature, in San Francesco della Vigna, resided near where a salizzada, a branch and a campo bear this name.
  • Gesuati is the name of the church of Santa Maria del Rosario at Zattere, built in the eighteenth century on the site of a monastery of the extinct of the Jesuits, the church of which, much older, still exists.
  • Ghetto : The Ghetto is the neighborhood of the Jews in Venice. In this same place, there were the ancient foundries, where you "threw", or merged, weapons. The jet resulting from an act of reversal of the foundry, would become "ghetto" for the hard pronunciation of the "g" on the part of German-speaking Jews who first resided in the Ghetto.
  • Giuffa : the wrinkle Giuffa in San Lorenzo has the name perhaps from Julfa, Armenian city whose merchants resided here. More likely to be "gajuffi" (ruffians, gypsies).
  • Gobbo di Rialto : it is a statue of the sixteenth century, the kneeling man who, in the field of Rialto, supports the ladder leaning against the column from which the "comandador" banning laws and gave other ads.
  • Gorna : gutter, even trickle of water drainage. La calle Gorna, at Fondamenta Nuove, had one for the discharge of stormwater into the lagoon.
  • Guerra - War : the battle for the game, a fight with sticks, between people of different districts were very popular. Several bridges were the site of these "wars". There's something the memory, as well as in the name of the bridge dei Pugni, War bridge in San Zulian.
  • Guglie - Spires : the bridge of Spires on the Cannaregio channel, owes its name to the four small obelisks on the parapets.


  • Incurabili - Incurable : the Hospital of the Incurable, the rafts, where he served St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis Xavier, has given its name to a bridge and a small square.
  • Indorador : gilder. The workshop of one of these craftsmen in Santa Marina is remembered by the name of a arcade and a courtyard.


  • Lavadori : washers lane. La calle dei Lavadori lies at Tolentini.
  • Leoncini : the two lions in red France marble, that gave its name to the square next to the Basilica of San Marco, now piazza Giovanni XXIII.
  • Librer : bookseller. The campiello, which takes its name from one of the many booksellers in Venice, is in San Polo.
  • List : stretch of road in front of the palace of an ambassador, marked by white stones in the ground, within which prevailed diplomatic immunity. The term is in the name List of Spain where was located the embassy of the Catholic King.
  • Liston : at the beginning of the eighteenth century the paving of St. Mark's Square was renovated using slabs of trachyte of the Euganean and lists of white Istrian stone. Perhaps this is the origin of the name "liston" for the public walks.
  • Loggetta : is the building of Jacopo Sansovino at the foot of the Bell Tower. In the seventeenth century was the guard of the arsenal that, under the orders of a prosecutor in San Marco, assured the public order during the meetings of the Great Cou
  • Luganegher : grocer, butcher. The term often appears in place names Venetian in Frezzeria, in Sant'Aponal and elsewhere.
  • Lustraferri : craftsman assigned to polish the knife, which is the characteristic bow ornament gondolas. The bridge is located on the Lustraferri Fondamenta degli Ormesini.


  • Madoneta - a small Madonna: the rio of Madoneta has this name for a bas-relief of a Madonna on the facade of Donà Palace.
  • Malvasia : fine wine coming originally from Malvasia in the Morea. Various streets of Malvasia are around Venice because there were many shops selling this wine.
  • Mandoler : seller of almonds. A calle Mandoler is San Toma.
  • Manganer : manganatore, cleaner cloths of silk and wool. A calle Manganer lies to the Holy Apostles.
  • Marangon : a carpenter and joiner by extension. Calli of Marangon are a bit 'everywhere in Venice.
  • Marangona It was one of the bells of the St. Mark Bell Tower, the one who gave the signal the beginning and end of the work of cormorants (carpenters) of 'Arsenal.
  • Margaritera : the "margariteri" manufactured small glass spheres enamel, called "margaritas". The court Margaritera is located in San Martino di Castello.
  • Marzer : haberdasher. A calle Marzer is San Polo.
  • Megio : miles. In San Giacomo dell'Orio took this name the foundations, the bridge, the porch and the street where they had deposits of millet and wheat accumulated by the Republic to provide for any famine.
  • Mendicant - Beggars : foundamenta and rio Beggars take their name from the hospice and the church of St. Lazarus of Beggars.
  • Mendicoli : beggars. The term appears in place names related to San Nicolò dei Mendicoli, for founding one of the oldest in Venice. But the "Mendicola" is also the ancient name of the place where the church itself.
  • Mercerie - Haberdashers : I am the way, intensely commercial, which connects San Marco with Rialto.
  • Milion : in the Court of Milion to St. John Chrysostom was the home of Polo, nicknamed "Milion". And Milione is the name by which it became known the Livre des merveilles of Marco Polo.
  • Miracoli - Miracols: the place names with this term refers to the Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli, built in the Renaissance to house an image of the Madonna considered miraculous.
  • Misericordia - Mercy: the place names with this term refers to the Scuola Grande di Santa Maria Valverde o della Misericordia, one of the six major schools, Scuole Grandi.
  • Mistra : teacher (or school,or of art and crafts). The court Mistra is located in St. Barnaba.
  • Molo - Pier : is the stretch of the shore in front of the Piazzetta San Marco and the Doges' Palace.
  • Fratello di Rioba
    Fratello di Rioba - VeniceWiki
    Mori : there is a Campo dei Mori to Madonna dell'Orto, called for three sculptures representing the brothers Mastelli, merchants of Marea, oriental dressed; the Moors, however, are also the two bronze figures who strike the hours, on top of the Clock Tower in Piazza San Marco, and with the same name will also indicate the four figures of [[Tetrarchi|Tetrarchs] ], red porphyry, on the southern side of the Basilica of San Marco.
  • Mosca - Flies : artificial slight defect, bits of black taffeta that the ladies were applied to bring out the whiteness of the complexion. In campo San Pantalon , branch and small square of the Mosca have derived its name from the place of production of these ornaments.
  • Muneghe : nuns. The terms are in various place names that resemble female monastic houses, in Sant 'Alvise, Santa Marina, San Maurizio and elsewhere.
  • Murer : bricklayer. There is a street of the Incurabili Murer. The masons had a nice "school" in San Samuele.


  • Naranzaria : market and deposit of the oranges ("naranze") next Rialto.
  • Nomboli : hindquarters of cattle and even pieces of rope with which you made the fuses. The rio held and calle of Nomboli are San Toma. Nombolo is also a part of the Venetian Gondola.
  • Nonzolo : clerk, servant of the church. In San Moise there are a porch and a court of Nonzolo.


  • Ole : pots or pans. The calle delle Ole is in Castello.
  • Oresi : goldsmiths. The wrinkle and the arcade Ruga degli Oresi are in Rialto.
  • Orio : the term appears in the title of the Chiesa di San Giacomo dell'Orio, perhaps called for a laurel tree or the name of the family or D'Orio Aurio.
  • Ormesini : the name, derived from Ormuz, indicates the fabrics originally imported and then imitated in Florence and Venice. The foundamenta, the street and the bridge of Ormesini are in San Marcilian, vulgar : San Marziale.
  • Ostreghe : oysters. The bridge, the river, the foundations and the Calle delle Ostreghe are in Santa Maria Zobenigo.


  • Paglia - Straw : the Ponte della Paglia, on the Riva degli Schiavoni, took its name from the boats laden with straw that is moored. That straw was used for both the replacement of mattresses of prisoners to cover any drowned.
  • Palada : stilts. The foundations of the Giudecca, once on stilts, has kept the name which is also extended to the bridge and the adjacent river.
  • Paradiso - Heaven : as "El Paradiso", according to the scholar Tassini, indicated the district of Santa Maria Formosa to the beautiful illuminations to STITE on Good Friday. It named a street and a bridge.
  • Parangon : comparison. The name is Rialto and was the office where they kept the weights and measures that you had to keep all the various manufacturers; from bricks to diamonds, gold liquid, etc. ericorda the silk drapes that were produced according to strict rules, and which were used as reference for comparison to current production.
  • Parrocchie - Parishes : a Venice are now little more than thirty; were once seventy, each corresponding to the districts and divided into six Sestieri. Since the numbering of the houses is not the street but for Sestieri, with a minimum of two thousand numbers for the Santa Croce and a maximum of almost seven thousand for the district of Castello, the title of the parish (also in the deformation dialect; for example San Trovaso, for the Saints Gervasio and Protasio, is very useful, if not essential, for the location.
  • Pescaria : fish market in Rialto from which some names.
  • Pestrin : the milkman. A street, a bridge and a stream of Pestrin are in Santo Stefano.
  • Piazza - Square : a Venice where the squares are called campi o campielli, the square is the best known of the St. Mark's Square.
  • Piazzetta : the term appears twice only in place names Venetian; for Piazzetta San Marco which lies between the Library and the Doges' Palace, opposite the Basin of San Marco, and that Piazzetta dei Leoncini, on the northern side of the Basilica di San Marco (today, the square John XXIII).
  • Pieta : in some houses on the Riva degli Schiavoni Blessed Peter of Assisi had founded a shelter for orphans and illegitimate, the original core of the Pietà conservatory that was musical director for the famous Venetian musician Antonio Vivaldi .
  • Pignate : pots. The bridge of Pignate is located in San Luca.
  • Pinzochere : pious women. The court of Pinzochere, in Angel Raffaele, named after the Franciscan tertiary, another, in Santo Stefano, from tertiary Augustinian. Other place names derive from hospices where, until about twenty years ago, we gave free accommodation to women and old sun.
  • Piovan : pastor. Streets with this name there are many; a fondamenta del Piovan is located in San Martino.
  • Pirieta : craftsman who works tin, tinsmith. The arcade and the court of Pirieta are located in San Bartolomio.
  • Pistor : baker, or more exactly the craftsman who kneading bread, bakes and sells it, distinct from "forner" or baker. A street and a bridge of Pistor are located in San Lio.
  • - Bridges : are the characteristic of Venetian roads. Are almost four hundred, of which about one-eighth private. Someone is still in wood, someone century, is made of iron, most stone, built from the end of the fifteenth century. At one time they had no guardrails. Every bridge in Venice has his name.
  • Pozzo Roverso - inverted well : At the Ruga Giuffa in Santa Maria Formosa. It could be that the well, which existed here, had the ring inside out, as in the magnificent Court Battaggia' to Biri, or that had been erected by the town family Roversi , already owns several buildings in the parish of San Giovanni Novo, in which the court of which we speak was subject.
  • Procuratie - Magistrates is the name of the arcaded buildings of Piazza San Marco. Old Procuratie, left, Sighs, right looking at the facade of the basilica were successively residence and offices of the prosecutors of San Marco.
  • Proverbi - Proverbs : in the wide street of Proverbs to the Holy Apostles were read around the ledges of two balconies these two proverbs:Chi semina spine non vadi descalzo "Who sows thorns do not go barefoot" and Di de ti e poi di me dirai, "speaks to you and then you tell me."
  • Pugni - Fists : As a Ponte dei Pugni to Venice there was more than one, but the most famous is in Rio di San Barnaba where he renewed the conflict between the inhabitants of Castle Castellani and those of Dorsoduro Nicolotti, (from the parish of St. Nicholas of Mendicoli). The game was to conquer the opposite bank across the bridge, but too often turned into a real fight on the edge of the battle, with serious physical consequences for the participants and then was abolished in '700.


  • Quartarolo : bridge Quartarolo had said the bridge Rialto, at the beginning, when he was on barges and was paid a Quartarolo, the fourth part of a money for the toll.


  • Ramo - Branch : short stretch of street that connects two streets.
  • Rasse : rascie, the role blacks used to cover the felzi gondolas that were originally Rascia, that of Serbia. Calle delle Rasse is to Saints Filippo e Giacomo.
  • Redentore - Redeemer : the Campo of the Redeemer takes its name from the church erected in fulfillment of the vote for the cessation of the plague of 1576, designed by Andrea Palladio.
  • Regina - Queen : the Palazzo Corner della Regina, belonged to Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus, has given its name to a street and a ramo in San Cassiano.
  • Remer : the manufacturer of rowing. The Campiello del Remer and the arcade are in St. Augustine, near the place where were the homes of the rebel Bajamonte Tiepolo. A court of Remer overlooks the Grand Canal to San Giovanni Crisostorno.
  • Remurchianti : watermen employees to tow other vessels. The Campiello and Calle dei Remurchianti are in San Nicolò.
  • Renghiera It was one of the bells in the Bell tower of St. Mark, the one that summoned the arengo, that the old political assembly popular. He was also known as " witchcraft ", as played at every execution.
  • Rialto : the economic center of historic Venice; has the name of the Italianisation Rivoaltus, as in Latin is called the group of islands on which the city was formed.
  • Reduced : public meeting opened in 1638 by Marco Dandolo in his palace and closed in 1774. The calle del Ridotto is next to San Moise.
  • Riello : small stream.
  • Reformed They were so called Franciscans who officiated in the church of St. Bonaventure. The name is extended to the street, the river and the fondamenta.
  • Rio : some channels are called streams less extensive.
  • Rio menuo : rio minute, small.
  • Rio Terà : rio basement, turned into street.
  • Riva : Venetian in place names are indicated by this term stretches of bank channel or basin used as a landing craft (Riva degli Schiavoni, Riva del Carbon, and so on); The riva is also the artifact with steps and ladders that, on fondamente or houses overlooking the canal, allowing the landing of the boats and the loading and unloading of goods or passengers. But Riva is also the name of an ancient family that gave its name to the court de cà Riva, located in the porticoes of the Procuratie old.
  • Ruga : so called by ancient Italian voice, similar to French rue, some streets of Venice.
  • Rughetta : diminutive of wrinkle, alley.


  • Salute - Health: the Campo della Salute owes its name to Santa Maria della Salute, built to fulfill a vow to the cessation of the plague of 1630, designed by Baldassare Longhena.
  • Salizzada : causeway. The term comes from Salizzo, flint and still remains to designate and first paved roads.
  • San Basegio : in Venetian, San Basilio.
  • Soccorso - Rescue : the fondamenta and the bridge of the name recall a home for wayward women, founded in Santa Maria del Carmine from the poet and courtesan Veronica Franco.
  • Sospiri - Sighs : the Bridge of Sighs joining the Prisons to Doges' Palace. The name appears once only fanciful romantic creation, so we wanted to imagine that the prisoners, past the perforated windows that open onto the deck, sigh seeing Venice perhaps for the last time.
  • Sottoporteghi : porticoes. Are covered walkways, porches more or less deep, open for public convenience in private buildings.
  • Spezier : chemist or pharmacist. A calle Spezier is to Saints Philip and James.
  • Squartai : in the absence of historical memories, it is assumed that, in ancient times, the dismembered bodies of some criminals were hung as a warning on the bridge of the same name to Tolentini.
  • Squero : the construction site. A calle Squero is located in San Moise.
  • Stagneri : tinkers. La calle dei Stagneri is located in San Salvador.
  • Stramazzer : mattress. La calle del Stramazzer is located in San Giovanni Crisostomo.
  • Strazzarol : stracciaiolo. La calle del Strazzarol is located in San Zulian.
  • Strazze : rags. La calle of Strazze, also called the Strazzeri, is in San Marco.
  • Strait : narrow passage.
  • Stua : stove, place of public toilets. A portico of Stua is in San Giovanni Nuovo, where he was one of these establishments generally disreputable. Another is the Campiello de la Stua between Bridge of Tits and Calle della Regina to Santa Croce.


  • Tagliapietra : "Tagiapiera" or "Chatajapiera", stonemason. The craft has given its name to many streets of Venice.
  • Tana : the Rio della Tana, passing through the Arsenal, is named after the House of Canevo (hemp) where they made the naval ropes, which was also called the resort of Tana Tana, ie Azov, where you care hemp.
  • Tentor : dyer. The art of the dyers, flourishing, is the origin of many place names.
  • Testori : silk weavers. La calle of Testori is in Sant'Andrea.
  • Tette - Tits : legend has it that the bridge and the fondamenta in San Cassiano have taken that name because near the prostitutes appeared on the doors and the windows with her breasts exposed.
  • Toletta : small table. A walkway of small plates thrown once as a bridge over a river gave its name to the bag, the street and the bridge of Toletta in San Trovaso.
  • Trottiera is one of the bells of the St. Mark Bell Tower, the sound of which the patricians put trotting horses to arrive punctually at the palace for political meetings.
  • Turchette : small Turkish. The bridge, the street and the fondamente Turchette would be so called from a colony in which some prisoners were confined Ottoman.


  • Varotari : tanners. In Campo Santa Margherita there is School of Varotari, home of the brotherhood.
  • Vecchi - Old : an old people 'who have behaved well, with no children, he wife, Venetians, then subjects ( di buona vita e senza fioli, né mugier, venetiani, over sudditi) has given its name to a court in San Sebastian.
  • Twenty-two March : the Calle Larga XXII Marzo San Moise commemorates the expulsion of the Austrians from Venice in 1848.
  • Vento - Wind : it is said that in the calle del Vento in San Basegio the wind raging more than elsewhere.
  • Vera as well, pluteale : stone ring protective of the mouth of the well.

The Vere as well, all of great artistic value, were, and often still are, present in many fields, squares and Venetian courtyards.

  • Vergola : cell networks of wire in support of hairstyles or even silk cord on thin paper roll used to ornament the robes. La calle della Vergola is in San Geremia.
  • Veriera: glassware. The arcade and the court of der keg ready closer to Campo San Zanipolo.
  • Volti : arcs that connect the houses through calles. Volti is a street of the Jesuits.
  • Volto Santo - Holy Face : the Court of the Holy Face, the center of the silk manufacturers Lucchese emigrated to Venice, takes its name from an image of the Holy Face, emblem of silk, in Rio Tera de la Maddalena to Cannaregio.


  • Zattere - Rafts : the fondamenta with this name, along the Giudecca canal, named after the rafts loaded timber from the nearby mountains, which landed here.
  • Zavater : cobbler. A calle Zavater is in San Marcuola.
  • Zirada : turning. The bridge of the Corce, to Tolentini, is also called the Zirada online because it is planted in the Grand Canal in the post ("paleto") around which the gondoliers in the race run to begin the return portion.
  • Zitelle - Old Maids : the foundations of the Giudecca Zitelle named after the church of St. Mary of the Presentation, said Zitelle for the adjacent "conservatory" for girls, founded in 1561.
  • Zobenigo : the church of Santa Maria del Giglio is also called Santa Maria Zobenigo, because it was founded by the family Iubanico.
  • Zudio : Jew. La calle del Zudio on foundations of Ormesini has this name from a pharmacy in the name of Jew.
